Monday, May 05, 2008

The aftermath

Well, here we are in the post Lamplighter release phase of my plans for world domination (did I just say that or think it..?) I thought I might do a little Q&A for folks to mull on.

1600H (not their real name) - over at the Myspace page for MBT asked me via email:
"... does the H-c still evolve in your mind? Do places, people, monsters, etc. still change, or are they a bit more fixed since you began writing the books?"
And my reply:
The whole H-c and the land beyond is very much a growing thing: as you can see above, you yourself have had an effect on it with your query. Another good example would be trying to decide what to call the whole world that the H-c exists within; it was the Alltgird at one point, though I am thinking to make this the name of the entire continent of which the Half-Continent is but a portion, Harth Alle - or maybe more properly, harth alle (a common noun instead, perhaps) - is the current notion I am rolling about my noggin. So many things are fixed and thunk up, but much is still unfolding, writing novels certainly shows me where my previous ideation was lacking detail, and this makes it all the more exciting for me, because I explore the H-c when I write and discover more on it than I first conceived or, sometimes, even thought possible.

1600H also pondered (more for themselves than me, though I answered anyway):
"I was just wondering whether the H-c is currently in the midst of it's own industrial revolution?"
And my reply:
"As to notions of an industrial revolution, well that question had me thinking and scribbling notes as just how the H-c works technology-wise (what were you thinking asking such provoking things?! ;) The answer is not simple, but firstly I think the folks of the H-c innovate much more slowly than we, that gastrine "technology" has been about for a little while now and insinuated itself of society gradually but steadily. The H-c does not boom like our western society does, it is cautious with innovation and suspicious of the new (lahzars have been a feature of the world for just over 200 years - first appearing properly at the Battle of the Gates HIR 1395 - yet they are still regarded as modern innovations and distrusted as such). Such a technological marvel as a ram are built slowly, a few at a time, taking many years to complete, then treasured and preserved when at sea. Great gastrine hammers slowly pound out the iron-cladding but not on the steam-powered scale that we expect from our own world's period of mechanisation.The people of the H-c and beyond think differently to us, have a take on the world we would find somewhat foreign, their co-existence with monsters being a large influence on this. When thinking of the folks of the H-c it is important not to impose our own ideas of how things are on to them, their perspective is vastly different."

Today's other feature:
My current definition for discipline ~ being prepared to hurt in order to get to a better place.

Easy to say, hard to do...


Lawrence said...

Tally ho Mr. Cornish

Well, I must admit that I've been avoiding this blog like the plague, mostly because I've been busy studying and am therefore trying to avoid all time-sucking internet vices. But, also, because I've seen no sign of "Lamplighter" in any stores in New Zealand.


I haven't forgotten you ... and look forward to the book, just as soon as it appears on shelves in New Zealand.

Unknown said...

"Another good example would be trying to decide what to call the whole world that the H-c exists within; it was the Alltgird at one point, though I am thinking to make this the name of the entire continent of which the Half-Continent is but a portion..."

The fun thing about naming the entire world that H-c lives in is that you get to make several names for it! Each different country is likely to have a a different name for it, especially considering the striking differences in the way the countries think. While the name that other counties use may not be useful for book three, I can only hope that you plan on making many more book in the MBT universe at which point a character might feel obligated to venture out of H-c... or into it.

Laini Taylor said...

Hi there! Can't wait to read Lamplighter!!! I'm going to reread Foundling first and segue straight into Lamplighter. I'm so excited! I saw Betsy Bird at a conference last week and she kept talking about it, and saying very, very nice things! Maybe I will beg Tim to send me a copy, and maybe I will just go out and buy one. Congrats on your release! All best wishes!

Anonymous said...

I just finished lamplighter. I wanted to say that I thought the ending was fantastic.

LotR reader

D.M. Cornish said...

Thank you so much LotR reader. Pressure is really on to keep it up with book 3 now!

I hope you find Betsy's praise accurate, Laini, I am most certainly grateful, delighted, and deeply encouraged by her enjoyment and promotion of Lamplighter. Say "Howdy" to Tim for me...

(And very good point otoko)

Sam Hranac said...

I only discovered Foundling this week. My nose is growing pale from being constantly in the shade of this book. I'll steam right on to Lamplighter, believe me. Great writing, characters, voice and story.

I'm still wondering if the gasterines are the result of dark arts... mutilations of flesh much as the lahzars are, for another purpose. Perhaps they have consciousness and are really mistreated creatures? I'm just up to page 297 of the first book.

Zesty Zombie said...

Hello! I just finished "Lamplighter". I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. I will be waiting on pins-and-needles for the third book to come out! Keep up the good work.

-Hanna Mae

Unknown said...

Well, I finished, what an ending! Through I think I kind of sensed the big revelation coming...

Vahlaeity said...

I couldn't find Lamplighter in my rather large Borders store. Devastated I trailed around the YA section looking for someone to help out. After much searching it transpired that I couldn't find it in the YA section because it was in a high vis pozzie near the elevators!
I confess I'm only part way through... because I don't want to finish it! (Lol)

In my attempts to savour the story (and because I find these things interesting to read) I flicked to the acknowledgement section. D.M. Cornish thank you so very much! I was thrilled to receive what was an untirely unexpected honour! Thank you once again :) I will post again when I have (sadly) finished the novel :)

Sylvenger said...

I just finished Lamplighter and I have to say it sucked... how soon it ended (the lengthy explicarium being a cruel mirage). I am an avid reader and there have been dozens of worlds I would love to visit, but only a handful I would care to pack up and move to. The H-C is definitely high on that exclusive list.

The lingo does take some getting used to, but that's what explicariums are for (cruel as they may be, misleading folks as to the length of a book... but I'm not bitter). I love wandering the maps of the H-C and wondering about the far off cities that we may never get to read about. Hopefully Rosey's adventures will take him far and wide.

Anyway, keep up the good work Master Cornish. I look forward to book three and beyond (hint, hint). Oh, and I like the name Harth Alle for the land.