Well, time to 'fess up too, and let you know that the release of Book 3 will be delayed a little longer *WINCE*
Australia/NZ - October 2010
USA/Canada - November 2010
Other places in this big beautiful world - TBA
This has been to allow the editors sufficient time to do their most necessary work and therefore worthy the delay (heck, if blame is needed then it is I who took soooooo long to pen the damn tale).
Thank you for all you excellent comments previous post - I will try to get to them, but may not be able to right away. Hang in there folks, we will get there ... eventually.
Wow, I suppose this answers my question from last post. What a pitty I wont be seeing this lovely cover. Looks like a somewhat urban setting in contrast to the first two. Cities may prove to house equally insidious monsters...
Honestly, the later release isn't too great a problem. Saves me having to rush through it before classes start. Thank you.
Ah, very satisfying. This is the cover for the initial hard-cover release, right?
Thankyou Mr C, much appreciated.
Well... I've waited two long years for this book... I guess I can survive the next 6 months, though it will be a long painful wait. At least I know it will be worth it. One look at the cover tells me this will be good.
I'm SO excited about the third installment! As a U.S. librarian, I've been diligently trying to spread the word amongst my peers and in my community for a series that I think is the rival of just about any fantasy-horror-scifi tale that I can think of. Please...no more delays!!! ;)
hmmm I wonder if I could get this copy of the book online instead of the US version...I want Europe on the cover, dammit!
Ohhh I'm not sure I can take much more waiting. I'm fresh out of reading material. Any suggestions?
So excited! Now I know what cover to look for when I'm browsing shelves of libraries and book stores in October. I love seeing the continuation of the original covers, but the ones being used in the US are just as amazing.
*considers flying to Australia to get her hands on it a month earlier*
I agree with Monday. A trip to Australia in October wouldn´t have been wrong, just to get my hands on a copy faster, since I´m living in "other parts" of the world.
But the online book-shops here are pretty quick to get new books in their e-shelves.
But until then...longing, longing, longing......sigh.
I'll have to order an Australian version online to keep my trilogy a MBT trilogy. It's worth it though.
Love it. Absolutely love it.
awww I am very sad there will be more delay, but, it is as it is, book do just take a certain amount of time. Plus, HP has well prepared me for WAITING.
I really love the cover as well. Thank you very much, Mr Cornish, for showing it to us! Thinking about what other lovely illustrations that might hide inside the actual book makes it even harder to wait but I'm sure it's worth it. Absolutely sure!
looking at the cover I am going to have to buy an OZ/NZ copy so that my MBT Books look uniform but, mostly because this cover is so much cooler
Well, I suppose its necessary...
I don't blame you, Mr. Cornish. How many times did you get writer's block? lol
Very nice cover! I just wish I could have the Australian version instead of the one I'm stuck with in the U.S. Is there a way a Yank could get his hands on an Au version? The one you spoke of with the ribbon bookmarks? I've trekked all over the vast land of the Internet for a copy with no avail.
I can't wait for the third installment! Even though it's being released earlier over here, I still can't believe I have to wait 'til October until I can get my hands on it.
I'll just have to pull up my socks, put it on my calendar and wait it out like everyone else, I guess.
If only time would fly by like a good little birdy...
Dear non-Aussie would be purchasers of the Aussie edition of MBT,
I do not want to be seen favouring one company over another, but if one was look for Oz MBT one might check the websites of Boomerangs Books, Galaxy Books, Pulp Fiction in Brisbane, Dymocks, Angus & Robertson. May this guide you to your desired outcome.
.... and yes, Wolf Blood, 'writer's block' - whatever that is - dogged me at every step with Book 3.... :\
Ohh I can't wait to read the book when it comes out(great cover)! Ah yes, it's off the thread topic but I just want to say that your work inspires a wannabe artist teen like me. Even though my style is purely manga based.
Most definitely try Pulp Fiction in Brisbane.
They've had Scott Westerfield and Mr. Cornish out front as soon as they get it in stock.
For travellers, it's super easy to get to. Just head downhill from Central station and it's on the left. Too bad it's not open Sundays though, it's the only day of the week I get off.
Should we be glad or frustrated that there is a delay? Perhaps both. It'll be a little longer before my favourite trilogy comes to an end. We do eagerly await the third installment though!
Yay! I'm so excited! I have been sick at hoe for the past eight weeks and my only solace has been the library. It was thus that found your books, which I have finished already and I want more! At first I was a bit confused by all the words (which, to be honest, I found a bit uneccessary) but now I keep using them in my head...
Will the movie be filmed in Australia?
Question: How old is Rossamund?
It's been bugging me incessantly for quite a while now. Since Threnody must be at least fourteen, that would mean Rossamund would be twelve/thirteen years old?
It makes it just a little hard to relate to him.
November, huh? Awesome. I can't wait until I finally read the final installment.
Can't. Wait!
I just discovered the Monster Blood Tattoo books a week or so and have purchased both of them- the most amazing books in the world! I will be anxiously awaiting this next treasure of a book to be published. (The suspense is great, let me tell you, after Lamplighter's ending.)
Oh my goodness, I can't wait to get it!!!! I am about to finish reading my current book and am about to start rereading Foundling and then lamplighter for the seventh time! I am so excited to see the cover of book 3. This is the highlight of my month!!
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